[ Started: 2024-03-24 13:50:01 CET ] [ dorothea v1.7.4 for BioC-3.18 from https://github.com/saezlab/dorothea@master (1461fb7 2024-02-24 12:55:48) ] Loading required package: BiocCheck ─ BiocCheckVersion: 1.38.2 ─ BiocVersion: 3.18 ─ Package: dorothea ─ PackageVersion: 1.7.4 ─ sourceDir: /tmp/RtmplGKNf5/file2198363b6c82b9/dorothea ─ installDir: /tmp/RtmplGKNf5/file219836520ffbbe ─ BiocCheckDir: /mnt/disk0/build/bioc-check/dorothea/bioc-3.18/2024-03-24_1343/dorothea/dorothea.BiocCheck ─ platform: unix ─ isTarBall: TRUE * Installing package... * Checking for deprecated package usage... * Checking for remote package usage... * Checking for 'LazyData: true' usage... * NOTE: 'LazyData:' in the 'DESCRIPTION' should be set to false or removed * Checking version number... * Checking for version number mismatch... * Checking version number validity... * WARNING: y of x.y.z version should be even in release * Checking R version dependency... * NOTE: Update R version dependency from 4.0 to 4.3.0. * Checking package size... * Checking individual file sizes... * WARNING: Package files exceed the 5MB size limit. * WARNING: Data files exceed the 5MB size limit. * Checking biocViews... * Checking that biocViews are present... * Checking package type based on biocViews... ExperimentData * Checking for non-trivial biocViews... * Checking that biocViews come from the same category... * Checking biocViews validity... * Checking for recommended biocViews... * Checking build system compatibility... * Checking for blank lines in DESCRIPTION... * Checking if DESCRIPTION is well formatted... * Checking for proper Description: field... * Checking for whitespace in DESCRIPTION field names... * Checking that Package field matches directory/tarball name... * Checking for Version field... * Checking for valid maintainer... * Checking License: for restrictive use... * Checking for recommeded fields in DESCRIPTION... * Checking for pinned package versions... * Checking DESCRIPTION/NAMESPACE consistency... * Checking .Rbuildignore... * Checking for stray BiocCheck output folders... * Checking vignette directory... * NOTE: 'sessionInfo' not found in vignette(s) * Checking package installation calls in R code... * Checking for library/require of dorothea... * Checking coding practice... * NOTE: Avoid using '=' for assignment and use '<-' instead * Checking parsed R code in R directory, examples, vignettes... * Checking function lengths... * Checking man page documentation... * WARNING: Empty or missing \value sections found in man pages. * Checking package NEWS... * Checking unit tests... * Checking skip_on_bioc() in tests... * Checking formatting of DESCRIPTION, NAMESPACE, man pages, R source, and vignette source... * NOTE: Consider shorter lines; 15 lines (2%) are > 80 characters long. * NOTE: Consider multiples of 4 spaces for line indents; 145 lines (18%) are not. See https://contributions.bioconductor.org/r-code.html See styler package: https://cran.r-project.org/package=styler as described in the BiocCheck vignette. * Checking if package already exists in CRAN... 'getOption("repos")' replaces Bioconductor standard repositories, see 'help("repositories", package = "BiocManager")' for details. Replacement repositories: CRAN: https://cloud.r-project.org * Checking for bioc-devel mailing list subscription... * NOTE: Cannot determine whether maintainer is subscribed to the Bioc-Devel mailing list (requires admin credentials). Subscribe here: https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/bioc-devel * Checking for support site registration... Maintainer is registered at support site. * ERROR: Add package to Watched Tags in your Support Site profile; visit https://support.bioconductor.org/accounts/edit/profile ─ BiocCheck results ── 1 ERRORS | 4 WARNINGS | 7 NOTES See the dorothea.BiocCheck folder and run browseVignettes(package = 'BiocCheck') for details. [ Finished: 2024-03-24 13:50:45 CET ]